Girl in Red

Hey there!
It's been a while. 2017 has been a year for me to up my fashion game. Today, I am going to show you my outfit for Valenti-- I mean, Single Awareness Day ;)
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Here is to more fashionable days snuggled up with Netflix and icecream!

Let's begin with the outfit. I have always had an obsession with maxi dresses. Especially ones with really cool print. My wardrobe is mostly consisted of black and white dresses, but I love this one. The bright red flowers contrast really well with the beautiful black dress. It adds a special something to a very basic cut. The dress has two slits going along the sides to show a little leg. I also paired this dress with a red coat. We've been experiencing a lot of cold days this month so it is always a good idea to have a coat to keep you warm.
For accessories, I am wearing my white sky sail sperry sneakers. The white shoes is a great way to dress down the look so that it does not seem too formal. It is also a beautiful contrast with the black dress. To accessorize, I added some delicate jewelry to the mix. The long necklace drapes to add a delicate touch to the look.
While it is ideal to look your best on special occasions, I personally decided to go for the no makeup look with this outfit. Just apply a berry toned lip tint and you are ready to go!

I hope you dig this outfit as much as I do. I promise more posts will come very soon. Don't forget to follow me on Google Plus so that you will never miss a blog post!

Slay. In. Red.

Good Luck,



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