Exciting Announcement: Em's Eatery

I have some exciting news! I've been working on a small passion project on the side for quite some time now, and I am ready to share with you my new baby -- Em's Eatery.

I have always loved being in the kitchen. But what I love even more is sharing these recipes with my friends. As an independent college student, I am learning the ins and outs of adult life in new and exciting ways. One of my favorite discoveries is my love for cooking. I love to eat (who doesn't?), so it's no surprise that I enjoy creating food that makes my tummy happy.

Every quarter, I try to host a dinner party with all of my friends. I believe that some of my best conversations have come from sharing stories across the dinner table over some really good food. There really is no need to splurge on pricy brunches and dinners when you can enjoy great food with your friends in the comfort of your own home. I personally love to eat out, but my wallet has been feeling kinda empty lately so I try to cook at my apartment with my friends as often as I can. While I do enjoy trying new and exciting cuisine at trendy restaurants, I find much enjoyment doing experimenting on my own and working with my hands to craft the perfect meal.

The most satisfying part about cooking is the way you make people feel with the food that you create. When my friends are sick, I bring over my famous chicken noodle soup to boost their immune system. When my friends are having a bad day, I whip them up some food and allow them the opportunity to share their troubles with me over food. When there is a big celebration, I like to bring one of my baked sweet treats for everyone to enjoy. No matter what the situation is, my food never fails to bring a smile to a friend's face. I must admit that the food I make is not the best part about cooking. It's the smiles and memories that come with the food that I create.

After a lot of encouragement from my friends, I have decided to take this big leap of faith and create this blog. Branching outside of the comfort of my original blog is sorta intimidating. I had gotten over the fear of posting after my sophomore year of high school. I'm definitely stepping outside of my comfort zone on this one, but I have a good feeling that it's going to be great.

On this blog, I will share my go-to healthy and easy recipes that are bound to wow any crowd. Unlike Em Life In Style, I will be posting more frequently on this blog because it is easier to publish content. If you're looking for some cooking inspo and want to find budget-friendly recipes, check out my food blog ;)

Without further ado, I would like to share with you my newly-published food blog, Em's Eatery!




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