Too Cool For School: 3 Easy Hairstyles

Hey Babes!

Today I'm going to show you 3 Easy Hairstyles that you can complete in just 5 minutes. Awesome, right? Lately, I've become obsessed with hair. Usually I don't really care about my hair, but now I realize that hair is an absolute essential that is definitely worth it. 

Like makeup, hair is a great way to style so that you could look sophisticated, carefree, fun, or even romantic! It's a form of self-expression. I didn't realize until now that hairstyles are a great way to show off your personality. It's an ESSENTIAL accessory to the body.

If you're in a rush but you want to look put together, these hairstyles are for you!!! So, today I'm going to show you 3 hairstyles that I think are perfect for Back to School!

Style A: Romantic Bun

Style B: Simple Crown Twist

Style C: Classy Bun 

The Breakdown:
You always need to start with hair that's fresh, soft, and smooth. I have 2 hair styling products that are a must-have. Check out my last hairstyle tutorial by clicking the tag Hairstyles. Yup, I made it easy for you. Now, let's get down to business.

Style A: Romantic Bun

Step 1: 
Separate the hair into three sections. 2 sections should be in the front. The larger sections should be at the back of the head. I personally like to tie the 2 front sections of my hair with a small elastic so that they are away from the section in the back. 

Step 2:
Take the back section, create a braid, and tie with an elastic.
Fluff up the braid by pulling the braid outwards so that it has more body to it. 

Step 3:
Twist the braid into itself so that it creates a little ball/lump? lol Basically, twist it into a bun. 

Step 4:
Tie off your braid bun with an elastic. Use your finger to pull it. Tease the bun a little so that it is a little messy and bigger.

Step 5:
Take one of the front sections and create a small braid. Make sure that you work your braiding in the direction of the back of your head. If you fail to do this, there will be a lump from the braid at the top of your head when you pull this braid to the back of your head. Pull the sides of the braid as well for more volume.

Step 6:
Take the other front section and do the same as Step 5. 

Step 7:
Take one of the front braids and wrap it under and around the bun. Pin it with a bobby pin. I like to use about 2 bobby pins with each braid.

Step 8:
Do Step 7 again with the other braid. 

You're finished! Yay! This is perfect to wear if you are giving a presentation in class or performing at a pep rally. It's super cute and sophisticated. I love it! 

Style B: Simple Crown Twist

Step 1:
Take the crown of the hair and tie it with an elastic

Step 2:
Create a hole in the crown that was tied.

Step 3:
Flip the crown into the hole

Fin! Ta-dahhhhh! I love this style if I'm looking for something cute. It's adorable and flirtatious. You can hide the elastic and put a fancy barrette or bow to make it the center of attention. It's great to impress that crush of yours sitting behind you in class. ;)

Style C: Classy Bun

Step 1:
Section the top of your hair. Make sure that the section in the bottom has 1/4 of the hair and the section of the top has 3/4 of the hair.

Step 2:
Tie the top section so that it's out of the way. Prepare to create a braid by separating the bottom section into 3 sections.

Step 3:
Braid the bottom section upwards to avoid a bump. Tie the braid off with an elastic. 

Step 4:
Grab the braid and the top section and begin to twist it into a bun. Try to keep the braid at the center of the bottom part below the bun. 

Step 5:
Tie the bun of with an elastic. Pull the bun's sides so that it looks bigger.

 Finished! I love this hairstyle because it's a great twist to a simple bun. This is super laid back and casual. I like to also tease the crown a little for a slight bump. Volume and texture for this hairstyle is a must!

These hairstyles are the epitome of amazing! If you guys like more hairstyles like these, let me know! I love doing these posts. This is probably my longest one too. XD 

Hope you first day of school is stylish, beautiful, and amazing. Love you babes!

Good Luck,

*I made up these names. You'll probably have to go search for the right name of these hairstyles. But.... ain't nobody got time fo dat.*

*I don't have any makeup on today because I'm lazy. Follow me on google+ or by email to get the back to school makeup tutorial that will be coming soon!



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