My Favorite DIY Acne-Fighting Mask

Becoming a teenager is one of the biggest steps in a person's life. It's the age of growing! For those who are height-challenged (*cough cough* me) going through puberty is a blessing due to the fact that we just grow like crazy in a short period of time. Speaking from a small skinny girl's perspective, I still can't believe that I grew at all. But I wish someone told me that along with the blissfulness of being tall comes the A word.


Let me just get it out there. Everybody hates acne. It's like little red mountains that grow on your head. It's painful and definitely not good looking. One of the biggest insecurities of all time for teenagers including me is acne. I'm sure that you share the same amount of hatred for acne as I do. If I could go back in time and get back that youthful glow I used to have on my acne-free skin, trust me. I would.

As much as I hate acne, there must be a solution to get rid of these buggers. I've searched high and low trying to find products that would work with my skin and I have finally found the answer. It's like the heavens from above gave me this secret all-natural recipe to getting acne free skin.

Now, I'm going to share with you this secret recipe on how to make a facial mask to get rid of that yucky stuff that we call acne. I'm always here to help a girlfriend out! :)

What you will need:
1 Tbsp of Matcha Green Tea Powder
2 tsp of Honey
1 tsp of Greek Yogurt
1/2 tsp of Tea Tree Oil 
Facial Cleansing Soap 
A Brush
Air-tight container/jar

This mask is packed with tons of good stuff that will help improve your skin from aging and prevent any break outs from happening. We're going to start off by mixing all of the wet ingredients together. 

Milk has a key ingredients that is beneficial to the skin. This special ingredient is lactic acid which helps smooth your skin giving you a hydrated and soft complexion. 

Honey is great for preventing and treating acne. Most masks leave our skin feeling dry and tight afterwards. Adding honey will help attract moisture to the skin leaving us with a hydrated complexion. 

Tea Tree Oil is the key ingredient that will help fight your acne. It is well known for killing skin-dwelling bacteria that is underneath our skin which is the main cause of acne. It also helps draw out any impurities of the skin.

Then add your dry ingredients.  

Benefits for using Green Tea in this mask are helping reduce redness and inflammation, fight aging, and repair any UV damage. Take charge and start taking care of your skin now while you still have that youthful glow. Also while waiting for your mask to dry, you could always whip up a glass of ice cold fresh homemade lemonade and relax. ;)  Sounds like a perfect day to me. 

The mask can be thick. If you want the consistency to be thinner, add more milk. When the mask completely comes together, take your brush or your fingers and apply your mask onto your face in an upward or circular motion. This will help prevent any sagging of the skin. I like to put my hair up to prevent it from touching my face and getting me into a big mess. Make sure to stay away from your hairline because it's going to be hard to take the mask off afterwards. I would insert a picture of myself with this mask, but I looked like the female version of the Hulk. Trust me, it's pretty scary. :P

Wait 15-20 minutes before taking your mask off and let it completely dry. This mask should have a very cooling effect. I love it because you can almost feel that the treatment is working. Isn't that great? It may be a little bit difficult to remove the mask. Don't worry. I got your back. Use water and a facial cleanser to remove your mask off completely. I'm using my Neutrogena Facial Cleanser to wash off this mask and a beauty sponge to exfoliate and remove it completely. Immediately apply your favorite moisturizer to make your skin feel even more hydrated. 

Woo hoo! We're finished! I hope you will experience the same amazing results that I have had from this mask. Let's end this acne battle together! Bwahahaha >:D
Good Luck,

Note: Sorry for the long post! I'm just really passionate about skin care. :) Keep in mind, you will not see the results immediately. Apply this mask on twice a week to see improvement on your skin. Only time will tell. If you do not completely use the mask, store it in an air tight container/jar. This mask should last at least 1-2 weeks. 



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