About Me

Hello there! Welcome to Life in Style! My name’s Emily and I thought I should share with you a little bit more about me.

I was born in sunny California and have been living here ever since. I’m very fortunate to be just a few miles away from the beach. I live with my two wonderful parents and my little  brother. I will be turning 16 this December.  I’m a girl with dreams, aspirations, and goals. I’m a #goaldigger. Get it? Ya I’m pretty punny. ;) 

I developed many different hobbies and interests when I grew up. I like to call myself many things. I am an avid reader, a blogger (of course), an artist, a pianist, a photographer, a hard worker, a crazy pinner and so much more. I have a slight addiction to all things Pinterest. If one of my posts ever become popular on Pinterest it will be the greatest thing ever. I don't want to be Insta-famous. I want to be Pinterest-famous. XD  Netflix and food are also my first love. Good thing I have a fast metabolism because that definitely comes in handy. This year, I’m a first-class sophmore at a brand new high school in my city. Pretty cool, huh? I like being the big kid.

I'm also excited to work on some other projects with a few of my friends to help third-world countries as well as my own community. I love giving back and when a project to help others arises, I take it. It's just part of my personality and roots to help spread the love. <3
This blog is my creative outlet. Nowadays, there are so many different mediums for people to express their opinions, ideas, and talents. I think the best way to express my creativity was through writing. I chose to do a lifestyle blog because I couldn't narrow down my blog into one topic. I wanted to talk about EVERYTHING. Although I might not have much to say offline, I'm like an online chatterbox. Hopefully, this blog will give you inspiration and new ideas as well as funny and helpful stories to help you out. I've got your back.

At a young age, I documented everything that was going on in my life and different experiences that I had in a diary. You might think it's totally strange because nobody writes in journals anymore at this age, but I started looking towards the future and realized that I had so many ideas and stories to share not only with future me, but the world that I didn't want to forget. Now this blog has become almost an add-on to my diary. Although I can't share with you all of my personal experiences and adventures, I can definitely share with you the lessons I have learned from them on my words of wisdom page.
When I discovered DIY’s, let me just say, it was a major breakthrough. Along with DIYing, I think I definitely earn the title of being the queen of creating a big mess. Don’t worry, I always clean up. I wanted to just pick up every little thing that I saw and repurpose it into a new and amazing project. My parents think I’m a crazy crafty-raging teenager. And I wouldn’t blame them. 

My life is one big adventure. And I would love to have you come along with me for this crazy ride. I'll be your online big or little sister and we could be best friends too. :) Check out my blog and see what I have to offer. I guarantee you that it's really hard not to like it. 

So, I hope you learned a little bit more about me. I can't wait to share with you all of these crazy ideas running through my mind. Thanks for stopping by!




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